Hunger Buster Pack
With Added Protein To Manage Hunger

QuickStart Pack

Every Herbalife programme includes Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix which contains protein. However this programme includes additional protein to assist with hunger management. Protein is a good energy source as it takes longer to digest than carbohydrates and so doesn't create a blood sugar spike with a resultant increase in insulin production. It also keeps a person satisfied for longer.

Eating the right amount of protein helps to maintain lean body mass (LBM) as you lose weight. The more LBM you have, the faster your metabolism and the more rapidly you burn calories and stored fat. Having a higher percentage of muscle (and lower percentage of fat) in the body will make it much easier to keep that weight off into the future.

Flavour / Type Size Price Qty
Cookies & Cream 1 Month Supply
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Dutch Chocolate 1 Month Supply
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French Vanilla 1 Month Supply
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Mint Chocolate 1 Month Supply
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Tropical Mango 1 Month Supply
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Wild Berry 1 Month Supply
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As with all Herbalife programmes, this programme is based on replacing 2 meals with healthy high protein shakes, reinforced with additional protein. The third meal, which can be lunch or dinner, should be a healthy meal which includes protein and vegetables. Multivitamin Complex helps to support the body. The function of each product is described fully below.

This programmes comes standard with 2 canisters of Formula 1 which will ensure your full month supply of product.

Component by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project Pack Components