Formula 1 Healthy Meal

Formula 1 Healthy Meal

Being healthy includes achieving and maintaining the correct weight. Herbalife Shakes made with delicious Formula 1 Shake Mix can help you attain this. Whether you have one shake a day as part of a healthy meal, or two shakes a day as part of your weight loss programme, you can trust Formula 1 to deliver the perfect healthy solution.

Each serving of Herbalife Formula 1 contains 8 grams of high quality, soy protein and 2.5 grams of fibre and will help you feel full and satisfied. It’s rich in vitamins and now contains the added benefit of Aminogen, a naturally derived ingredient that helps the body break down food protein into free-form amino acids.

(Note: For a 1 month supply to lose weight, purchase 2 containers of Formula 1 Healthy Meal.)

Flavour / Type Size Price Qty
Café Latte 560 gms
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Cookies & Cream 560 gms
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Dutch Chocolate 560 gms
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French Vanilla 560 gms
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Tropical Mango 560 gms
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Mint Chocolate 560 gms
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Red Bean & Coix Seed 550g
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Wild Berry 560 gms
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Key by Eagle Eye from the Noun Project Key Product Benefits

Ingredients Listing

Instruction by Ilaria Niccolini from the Noun Project Product Usage

Herbalife Formula 1 can be used to lose weight, gain weight or as a healthy supplement when weight change is not sought.